《Language in use》Making plans PPT课件3

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58253
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:297 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Language in use》Making plans PPT课件3-预览图01
《Language in use》Making plans PPT课件3-预览图02


外研版英语七年级下册《Language in use》Making plans PPT课件3
《Language in use》Making plans PPT课件3 Objectives: To learn to use the simple future: be going to + verb 【本单元例句】 I’m going to check my email. Lingling and I are going to have a picnic. Lingling is going to have a piano lesson. She is going to learn Japanese next year. I’m going to do my homework. We’re going to listen to some music. Is he going to get up early? What are you going to do? What are you going to do at the weekend? —Are we going to meet here? —No, we aren’t. ... ... ... 一般将来时 be going to 一般将来时的基本构成:助动词 is/am /are going to + 动词原形。 主要用来表示打算或计划要做某事, 主语是人。如: She is going to learn Japanese next year. There is going to be a football match tonight.  be going to的用法 1. 一般将来时表示某人打算或准备做的事情或即将发生的事。 Dad and I are going to see a Beijing opera this afternoon.  今天下午我和爸爸打算去看京剧。 We are going to have a meeting today.  今天我们要开会。   I’m going to play the violin.  我打算拉小提琴。 She’s going to play the piano.  她打算弹钢琴。  ... ... ... 2. 有迹象要发生的事 It’s going to be a fine day tomorrow. 明天将会是个好天。 Look at the sky, it is going to rain.  看天空,要下雨了。 I think it’s going to snow.  我看快要下雪了。 I’m not well today. I am afraid I am going to have a cold. 我今天不舒服,恐怕我要感冒了。 Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看看这些黑云,将有一场暴风雨。 3. 有些动词可以V-ing表示将要发生的动作。例如: come, go, leave, stay等。 I am staying at home tomorrow. Our teacher is coming here soon. I’m going on a summer camp in Sydney. ... ... ... be going to的主谓变化 be going to 中的be动词要随着句子 主语的人称或数的变化而变化。 I’m going to the park.   我打算去公园。 What are they going to do?  他们准备干什么? He’s going to buy a new watch.  他打算去买一块新手表。  be going to 的否定形式和一般疑问形式 一般将来时的否定形式是:     be (am, is, are) + not going to + 动词原形 He is going to have a swim tomorrow.   (改为否定句) → He is not =(isn’t) going to have a swim tomorrow. 把下面几个句子改成否定句: I am going to fly kites this afternoon. We are going to play computer games tonight. He is going to make a model plane tomorrow.  ... ... ... be going to的特殊疑问形式 1. 问人 Who…?  I’m going to New York soon. → Who’s going to New York soon? 2. 问干什么 What … do? My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon. →What is your father going to do with you this afternoon?  3. 问什么时候  When…? She’s going to go to bed at nine.  →When is she going to bed? 4. 同义句: be going to = will  I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天).  = I will go swimming tomorrow. ... ... ... 一、用 be going to +动词的正确形式填空。 1. If it doesn’t rain next Sunday, we ________ (have) a class trip. 2. He __________ (swim) in that river tomorrow. 3. Mr Smith __________ (cook) for his family this afternoon. 4. ___ your classmates _________ (play) computer games next Saturday? 5. She __________ (not go) sightseeing this week. 二、单项选择。 1.  There ____ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to     B. will going to be   C. is going to be        D. will go to be 2. Charlie ________ here next month. A. isn’t working      B. doesn’t working C. isn’t going to working  D. won’t work 3. He _____ very busy this week, he ______free next week. A. will be; is            B. is; is C. will be; will be    D. is; will be ... ... ... 关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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