《We start work at nine o'clock》PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58020
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:683 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《We start work at nine o'clock》PPT课件2-预览图01
《We start work at nine o'clock》PPT课件2-预览图02


外研版英语七年级上册《We start work at nine o'clock》PPT课件2
《We start work at nine o'clock》PPT课件2 Look at the pictures, can you tell me the time? It’s twelve o’clock.  It’s half past six. It’s eleven o’clock.  It’s half past one. Objectives: 1. To understand the passage about a school day; 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions  3. To talk about a day of school life; 4. To learn to join the sentences with and then. ... ... ... Words:  weekdays, house, start, break, playground, lunch,   Phrases: get up,  dinning hall, have a break,  have dinner Patterns: I get up at… I go to school at… We start work at… My favourite subject is … We have lunch in the dinning hall at… ... ... ... 自主学习 1 Listen to the passage  and put the pictures in order.  2 Match the times with the pictures in Activity 1. 7:30   10:00  11:00 12:30  3:30   9:00 3 Underline the correct expressions. 1 I get up / start work at half past seven. 2 We have a break / have lunch at half past twelve. 3 I go home / watch TV in the evening. 4 I do my homework / see my friends in the evening. 5 I go home / go to sleep at ten o’clock. ... ... ... 合作探究 Fill in the blanks. I’m Alex Greenall. I ____ ___ at half past seven ___ the morning. I  go to school at _____ ____ _____ and lessons _____ at nine o’clock. We have _____ lessons in the morning. I ____ __ _____ at eleven o’clock. I don’t like ________. We have lunch at ____ _____ ______. Lessons start in the afternoon at _____ ___ _____ . We have ____ lessons in the afternoon . We ____ _____ at half past three. I go to bed at _____ o’clock. 精讲点拨 1. I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast. 我早上7点半起床,然后吃早餐。 have是英语中常见的一个动词,和不同的 词搭配有不同的意思。 have lessons 上课     have dinner 吃饭 have a rest 休息       have a look 看一看 have a good time    玩得愉快 2.The prepositions of time at ,on , in. in用在表示年、月、季节和一些表示时间的固定搭配中 on用来表示日期、星期和具体的日子 at表示钟点和用于一些表示时间的固定搭配中 3. and then 两个句子是并列关系,表承接或递进时,可用and then来连接。两个句子的主语一致时,则后一个句子的主语可以省略,用and then连接前后两个并列关系的动词,前后动词形式要一致。 ... ... ... Exercise Now join these sentences with and then. 1.In the morning, we get up and then go to school. 2.In the afternoon, we have lessons and then play football in the playground. 3.In the evening, I have dinner and then do my homework. 4.In the evening, I do my homework and then go to bed. ... ... ... 一、英汉词组互译。 1. 起床  get up 2. 课间休息  have a break 3. 去上学  go to school 4. 吃早饭  have breakfast 5. 喝水  drink water 6. at half past ten  在十点半  7. go to bed  去睡觉 8. go to the playground  去操场 9. have dinner  吃晚饭 10. go home  回家 二、句型转换。 1. I go to school at 8:30. (就划线部分提问) _____ __ you __ to school? 2. She gets up at half past six. (改为否定句) She ______ ___ up at half past six. 3. In the morning, we have a break. We play football. (用and把两个句子连起来) In the morning, we have a break ___ ____ _______. 4. We start lessons at nine o’clock.(改为一般疑问句) ___ you ____ ______ at nine o’clock? 5. They do the housework in the evening.(改为否定句) They _____ __ the housework in the evening. ... ... ... 课后拓展延伸 1.复习巩固:复习所学内容,整理课堂笔记 2.分层作业:1. Read the passage again and review words and expressions.   2. Write down your school day (30-50字). (选做) 3.预习任务:预习下一模块的单词和课文. 关键词:《We start work at nine o'clock》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We start work at nine o'clock》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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