《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT课件3

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58004
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1819 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT课件3-预览图01
《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT课件3-预览图02


外研版英语七年级上册《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT课件3
《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT课件3 Think of six words for food and drink. Make three lists. favourite   healthy   delicious  Favourite food and drink: oranges…  Healthy food and drink: carrots… Delicious food and drink:… Read the passage and complete the table.  Healthy food and drink meat, carrots, eggs, potatoes, milk, cheese, fish, chicken, noodles, rice, juice, water, tea, fruit, vegetables  Unhealthy food and drink ice cream, hamburgers, cola, candy  ... ... ... Choose food from Units 1 and 2 for your meals. breakfast  lunch   dinner Now work in pairs. Talk about your answers. 1. What’s your favourite food and drink? 2. Is it healthy food and drink? Writing Meat and fish are healthy food. Too much meat isn’t healthy. Meat and fish are healthy food but too much meat isn’t healthy. ... ... ... Now join the sentences with but. 1. Juice is a healthy drink. Cola isn’t a healthy drink. Juice is a healthy drink but cola isn’t a healthy drink. 2. Noodles are healthy food. Hamburgers aren’t healthy food. Noodles are healthy food but hamburgers aren’t healthy food. 3. Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food. Cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t healthy food and drink. Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food but cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t healthy food and drink. 4. Chocolate is delicious. Too much chocolate isn’t good for you. Chocolate is delicious but too much chocolate isn’t good for you. ... ... ... 重点短语 1. be healthy    健康 2. a lot of= lots of    许多 3. too much    太多 4. be good for    对……有益 5. be bad for     对……有害 6. a bit      一点 7. It’s important to do sth.  去做某事很重要 8. stay healthy    保持健康 9. get fat    变肥 10. not…or…   不是……和…… 11. at home    在家 12. for breakfast / lunch / dinner  当作早/午/晚餐 ... ... ... 知识点学习 一、不可数名词有: 1. water 水   2. meat 肉    3. food 食物  4. fruit 水果  5. beef 牛肉   6. chicken 鸡肉     7. juice 果汁  8. ice cream 冰激凌 9. tea 茶      10. rice 米饭   11. bread 面包    12. milk 牛奶   13. cola 可乐  14. chocolate 巧克力   15. fish 鱼肉    16. cheese 奶酪    17. sugar 糖 18. candy 糖果     19. soup 汤 二、可数名词的特殊变化: 1. child—children 孩子    2. tooth—teeth 牙齿 连词 and, or, but 的区别: 1. and:表示“和,又,与,并”,连接两个名词、动词或句子,表示并列关系。 2. or:用于否定句表示“和”的意思,用于疑问句中表示“还是,或者”的意思。 3. but:意思是“但是,而是”,表转折关系。 Do exercises: 1.Mr. Zhang is an English teacher_______he teaches us English. 2. Do you like to have Chinese food_______western food? 3. He is rich, _______ he isn’t happy. 4. Have you got any brothers _______ sisters? 5. Juice _______ milk are healthy drinks________ cola isn’t a healthy drink. 6. Remember to eat noodles ______ rice, not hamburgers. ... ... ... 达标练习 A.单词拼写: 1. You should eat more _______ (胡萝卜). 2. It’s important to _________ (记得) to eat well and stay healthy. 3. Please have lots of _________(美味) chicken soup! 4. He had some fish and _______ (面条) for lunch. 5. Eating too much meat is not good for _________ (孩子). 6. I often eat some _____ (面包), an egg and a cup of milk for breakfast. 7. If you are a bit ____ (累) , please have a rest. 8. His mother wants to buy some________ (香蕉). B.完成句子: 1.你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么? What _____________ food and drink? 2.多喝水是非常重要的。 It’s very _____________ more water. 3.牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有益。 Milk, cheese and fish ______________. 4.如果你想保持健康,你要多吃蔬菜。 If you want to stay healthy _______, you must _______ vegetables. 5.请多吃水果和蔬菜,而不是糖果和冰激凌。 Please eat lots of fruit and vegetables, ____ candy __ ice cream. 关键词:《Is your food and drink healthy?》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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