《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:57766
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:472 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》PPT课件2-预览图01
《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》PPT课件2-预览图02


外研版英语七年级上册《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》PPT课件2
《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》PPT课件2 Look and Say A: What,s this?这是什么? B: It,s ...  它是… 1.当你在下午五点遇到赵老师,你应该说: “Good afternoon, Miss Zhao.” 2.当别人和你说“Good evening”,你回答说: “Good evening!” 3.和家长告别的时候,你应该说: “Goodbye!” 4.当你早上七点遇到同学,你应该说: “Good morning!” ... ... ... Let’s sing  “What’s your name” What’s your name, please? What is  My name’s Lily. My name is I’m I am What’s your name? I’m/My name’s Lily. sorry?(你能再说一次吗?) Can you spell it, please? Yes, L-I-L-Y, Lily. How are you? Fine, thanks./ I’m fine, thank you. ... ... ... Listen and read. 1.How many people can you hear? 2.Who are they? — Good morning. I’m Chen Zhong. — Good morning, Mr Chen. — What’s your name, please? — I’m Lingling. — Sorry? — I’m Lingling. — Can you spell it, please? — Yes, L-I-N-G-L-I-N-G, Lingling. — Thank you. Lingling. How are you? — Fine, thank you. How are you? — Fine, thanks. Lingling. ... ... ... Match  1. Good morning. I’m Chen Zhong.   2. What’s your name, please? 3. How are you? a. I’m Lingling. b. Fine, thanks.  c. Good morning, Mr Chen.  Listen and number. a. Good afternoon.  b. How are you, Daming?  c. Good afternoon. What’s your name?  d. Good afternoon, Mrs Wang. I’m Daming.  e. Sorry?  f. I’m fine, thanks. ... ... ... Work in pairs. Ask and answer. — Good afternoon. How are you?  — I’m fine, thanks. How are you? — I’m fine too, thanks. What’s your name? — I’m Tom. What’s your name? — I’m Sarah. Write  Mrs Wang: Good morning. Daming: ___________________ Mrs Wang: What’s your name? Daming: __________________ Mrs Wang: How are you? Daming: _________________ ... ... ... Homework 1. 听录音15分钟。 2.抄写Starter Module 1S2~S5单词 (小本子上一次),大抄写本五次。 2.抄写本P5~7 3. 完成作业本2. 4.读熟S4的1的对话。 ... ... ... 按发音分类:  Aa  Bb  Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss  Tt Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  Zz [ei]  A   H   J   K  [i:]   B   C   D   E   G   P   T   V [e]   F   L   M   N   S   X   Z [ai]  I    Y [ju:] U  Q   W ... ... ... What is/What’s your name? I’m Xiao Xin.=I am Xiao Xin. My name is Xiao Xin. I am 的缩写形式:I’m ... ... ... 关键词:《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Good morning.I'm Chen Zhong》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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