《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件15

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54527
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:151 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件15-预览图01
《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件15-预览图02
《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件15-预览图03


人教新目标Go For It!英语八年级下册《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件15
《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件15 【单词】 1. 意见;想法;看法 n. _______    2. 技艺;技巧 n.________ 3. 典型的adj._________ 4. (美式)橄榄球;足球n. _________ 5. 快的;迅速的adj. _________ 6. 持续;继续存在v. ________ 7. 比较 v. __________ 8.不理智的;疯狂的adj.________ 9.鞭策;督促;推动v._________ 10.发展;发育;成长n.__________ 11.造成;引起v.________ 12.通常的;寻常的adj._________ 13.可能;大概;也许adv._______ ... ... ... 【短语】 14. cut out _____________      15. not…until… ______________ 16. compare…with… _________     17. push kids hard ___________ 18. have time to relax ___________    19. continue doing ______________ 20.exam skills ____________________ 21.agree with them _____________ 22.in my opinion_________________ ... ... ... 课 堂 小 测 一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。 1. In my o________, pets are family remembers. 2. Do you know the ______(技巧)of reading? 3. They must be ________(疯狂的). Look! They’re playing basketball in the heavy rain. 4. Be q_________! The train is leaving. 5. C____________ these two articles. You will find a lot of differences. 二、根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限。 6. 删掉部分活动吧。 __________ part of the activities. 7. 我同意他们。 I ____________ them. 8. 家长把孩子逼得太紧了。 Parents _______________. 9. 让我们继续吃吧。 Let’s _____________ eat. 10. Kim很忙。他没时间放松。 Kim is _______. He doesn’t _________. ... ... ... 课 后 作 业 一、单项选择 (   )1. Learn some exam skills ____ you can get better grades. A. since  B. so that  C. if   D. while (   )2. ____ my opinion, Susan is a fantastic teacher. A. In     B. To     C. With    D. At (   )3. My dad is too busy. He has to _____ some of his work. A. cut down   B. cut up  C. cut off    D. cut out (   )4. Nowadays many parents _____ their children too hard. A. push     B. pushing C. to push  D. to pushing (   )5. Stopping talking. It’s time _____ class. A.for  B. to C.in   D. of ... ... ... 【写作思路点拨】 第一步:越来越多的学生感觉压力大。  参考句型: 1. Children are under _________ nowadays.      2. Children are not happy because ______.  3. Children are pushed ____________ now.   第二步:处理烦恼和压力的对策(注意使用连接词first, second…)。 参考句型 1. First, you say you don’t have enough time to sleep. I think______. 2. Your second problem is________. To solve it, you could_______. 3… 第三步:培养一种兴趣爱好,学会放松。 参考句型: 1. Taking up a hobby such as_____ is a good way to ________.   2. If you ______ a hobby, maybe _______________. 第四步: 检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的3个内容都写到了吗?2. 有否语法错误?) ... ... ... 关键词:《Why don't you talk to your parents?》教学课件,人教新目标版八年级下册英语PPT课件下载,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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