《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下载(第4课时)

  • 2025-03-14
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54179
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:1501 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下载(第4课时)-预览图01
《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下载(第4课时)-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语八年级上册《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下载(第4课时)
人教版八年级英语上册《What's the best movie theater?》PPT下载(第4课时),共35页。 Learning Objectives  By the end of the class, you will be able to get the specific information about talent shows through reading; summarize people’s opinions on talent shows and their reasons. Who do you think is the most talented performer?  I think Vera is the most talented performer because I don’t know many people who can play the guitar upside down. What do people think of talent shows?  Different people have different opinions on talent shows.  Some people don’t like them because they think that the lives of the performers are made up.   Some people like them because they think these shows are fun to watch if you don’t take them too seriously. And they really give people a way to make their dreams come true. Please read the articles and summarize the main ideas. No Age-limit, No Future “Children are usually not as thick-skinned as adults; they often perceive small things as big and big things as even bigger.” “Thus the rejection and hurtful comments may be harder to take.” HOMEWORK:  What do you think of talent shows? Why do you think so?  ... ... ... 关键词:What's the best movie theater? PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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