《How was your school trip?》PPT课件10

  • 2024-07-08
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54031
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:180 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《How was your school trip?》PPT课件10-预览图01
《How was your school trip?》PPT课件10-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《How was your school trip?》PPT课件10
《How was your school trip?》PPT课件10 学 习 重 点 单词: cheap, slow, robot, exciting, lovely, expensive, fast, guide, gift, everything, dark, hear 短语: all in all, be interested in, not at all, along the way, teach sb. to do sth. 预 习 检 测 一、请根据中文意思写出下列单词。(这些都是黑体单词,要好好记住哦。) 1. ____________ adj. 兴奋的   2. _________ adj. 可爱的  3. __________ adj. 廉价的 4. ______________n. 机器人   5. __________ pron. 所有事物 6. _________adj. 感兴趣的    7. _________ adj. 黑暗的;昏暗的 8. _________v. 听到;听见 9. _________adj. 缓慢的;迟缓的   10. ________n. 导游;导向 11. __________ adv.&adj. 快地(的) ... ... ... 二、请认真阅读课本,找出以下短语。 12. 总的来说 __________________ 13. 对…感兴趣 ________________  14. 沿途_______________________ 15. 照相 ______________________ 16. 一点也不 _________________ 17. 教某人做某事 ____________ 三、阅读2b短文,完成下列信息填空。 The way(方式) they got there 18.By train How Jim thinks of(认为) the museum 19.Interesting The thing that robots could do 20.Play chess The place where Jim bought some lovely gifts 21.The gift shop ... ... ... 思 考 探 究 ★way的意思和用法 way作名词,“道路,方法,方式”。常见的搭配有:顺便提一下____________; 在去……的路上___________; 沿途______________; 以这样的方式____________ ★so的用法 (1)It was so cool.  (2)It was difficult to take photos, so I didn’t take any. 在(1)句中so作为________ 词,意为________,常用来修饰______词和_____ 词;  在(2)句中so做_____ 词,意为__________,后面常接________。 ... ... ... 小 试 牛 刀 1) He saw many tall buildings _______ the way to school. A. by      B. on      C. in    D. at 2) I got up so late, _______ I was late for school. A. but     B. so     C. because    D. when 3) Can you tell me what I should do now? = Can you tell me _______ now? 4) This book is very ______ but I’m not _______ in it. (interest)  短文填空。 Helen and Jim went on the same school trip 1._____ train. Helen thinks the trip was very interesting 2. ______ Jim said it was boring. For Helen, the train was fast but Jim said the train was 3. _________. They saw some farms and villages along 4. ______ way. They visited the science museum and saw some 5. ___________ . The robots could 6. ________ chess with them so Helen thought she learned a 7.______ . Then the guide 8. _________ them how to make a model robot. After that, Helen bought some gifts 9.________ his parents. However, Jim didn’t like the trip at all because of the hot weather and the slow train. Besides, Jim thought 10. _________ was difficult to take photos so he didn’t take any. ... ... ... 能 力 阶 梯 (一)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 (    ) 11. There were some _____ in John’s garden. A. flowers B. coins     C. trees    D. farmers (    ) 12. John found a coin in his garden _______.  A. at 8:00  B. between 8:20 and 9:20      C. at 9:20  D. at 10:00 ... ... ... (二)重点词汇积累(从提供的阅读文章中找出一下短语) 16. 带走 ____________________ 17. 穿上,穿衣服 _______________ 18. 几分钟后_____________________ 19. 捡起来 ______________________ 20. 继续挖 ______________________ 21. 一些冷的东西 _______________ (三) 重点句型解析并造句。 Then John went on digging some more coins. 然后John继续挖更多的硬币。 翻译:几分钟后,他继续弹钢琴。 22._____________________________ 关键词:《How was your school trip?》教学课件,人教新目标版七年级下册英语PPT课件下载,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《How was your school trip?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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