《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件10

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54010
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:202 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件10-预览图01
《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件10-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件10
《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件10 学 习 重 点 单词: (n.) world, answer, cake, candle, age, candy, idea  (v.) blow  (conj.) if (adj.) lucky, popular, different   (model v.) will           短语: the UK, around the world, make a wish, blow out, get popular, cut up, bring good luck to… 句型: 1. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 2. They are a symbol of life and good luck. 阅读以了解有关birthday food的相关知识。 ... ... ... 预 习 检 测 一、请根据中文意思写出下列单词。(这些都是黑体单词,要好好记住哦。) 1. _______ n. 世界 2. _______ n. 答案;v. 回答 3. _______ adj. 不同的 4. _______ n. 蜡烛 5. ________n. 年龄 6. ________ v. 吹 7. ________ conj. 如果 8. _________ model v. 将要,会 9. _________ n. 英国 ... ... ... 二、请认真阅读课本,找出以下短语。 13. 世界各地 _______________ 14. 许愿 _______________ 15. 吹灭 ____________________ 16. 变得受欢迎________________  17. 切碎________________ 18. ……的象征 ______________ 19. 给……带来好运 ____________ 20. ……的数量 ______________        ... ... ... ★if的意思和用法: if“如果……”,引导条件状语从句,表示如果这个条件发生,就会产生一个结果。例如: If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 此句为由if引导的条件状语从句,if为引导词,if后面的句子为_______ (主句/从句), 另一个分句为_______(主句/从句),主句和从句的位置可以前后调换。在条件状语从句中,主句要用_______ (一般现在时/一般将来时),从句要用______ (一般现在时/一般将来时),也就是“主将从现”。 1. He ______ (be) happy if his children go to see him on Christmas. 2. If you work hard, your dream _______ (come) true. 3. If you______ (not get) up right now, you _______ (be) late for school. ★come true的意思及用法:表示愿望、梦想等的“实现”或“成为现实”。例如: Make a wish, and it can really come true.        I will work hard to make my dream come true. 观察上面两个例句,得知come true的用法是the wish/dream come true或是make the dream/wish come true.但不能说come true my dream/wish. ... ... ... (一)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 (    ) 16. English breakfast is a big meal, including ________. A. eggs   B. tomatoes C. tea and coffee   D. All of above (    ) 17. School children can have a hot meal ________. A. at home    B. in a restaurant     C. at school    D. in a supermarket (    ) 18. Many children just take something to eat from ________. A. home B. a restaurant C. school D. supermarket (    ) 19. “Tea” means ________. A. a meal    B. a drink C. a kind of food    D. Both A and B  ... ... ... (二)重点词汇积累(从提供的阅读文章中找出一下短语) 21. 一顿大餐/快餐__________________ 22. 许多,大量_____________________ 23. 办公室人员_____________________ 24. 各种沙拉_______________________ 25. 吃一顿热乎乎的饭______________ 26. 从家里带……___________________ 27. 在……与……之间_______________ 28. 一起用餐_______________________ 29. 一顿传统的午餐________________  30. 买打包带走的食物______________ 31. 来自其他国家的食物___________ 关键词:《I’d like some noodles》教学课件,人教新目标版七年级下册英语PPT课件下载,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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