《What does he look like?》SectionA PPT课件(第1课时)

  • 2024-10-01
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53979
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:1154 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What does he look like?》SectionA PPT课件(第1课时)-预览图01
《What does he look like?》SectionA PPT课件(第1课时)-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《What does he look like?》SectionA PPT课件(第1课时)
人教版七年级英语下册《What does he look like?》SectionA PPT课件(第1课时),共38页。 Look at the pictures and learn the new words.  He is _____.         He is ________________. He is______.          Free talk Ask and answer. A: What does … look like? B: He/she is (of) … And he/she has … Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once. 1.short hair ____ 2.curly hair ____ 3.long hair ____ 4.straight hair ____ 5.tall ____ What does she look like? She has straight black hair.  She is of medium height. She is thin. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Conversation 1 A: Is that your brother David?   B: No, it isn’t.   A: What does David look like? Is he _____or _____? B: He’s ____. He’s ______. And he _____________. Conversation 2 A: Is that Sally? B: No, it isn’t. A: Does Sally have _____ or _____ hair? B: She ___________________. She’s ________________.  And she’s _____. Conversation 3 A: Is your friend Peter short or tall? B: He’s _______.  And he _____________. Language points 1. What does he look like?       他长什么样? What does/do+主语+look like?   ……看上去什么样? 2. She’s of medium height, and she has long  straight hair.  她中等个子,留着长长的直发。 此句是用来描述外貌的常用句型。 Exercise  1.Li Lei _____short and _____ straight hair. A. is; is      B. is; has      C. has; has     D. is; have 2. — What______  your sister _____? — She is tall. A .is; look like      B. /; like C. does; look       D. does; look like 3. — Is your friend tall______?  — He’s tall. A. and short        B. or short    C. but short        D. with short 4. — What does she look like? — She _____ long straight black hair. A. is        B. has      C. have ... ... ... 关键词:《What does he look like?》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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