《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件(第3课时)

  • 2024-07-05
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53950
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:559 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件(第3课时)-预览图01
《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件(第3课时)-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件(第3课时)
人教版七年级英语下册《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件(第3课时),共19页。 Lead-in Do you know the meaning of the following signs? Listen again. Fill in the blanks. A: Excuse me. Is there a _______ around here? B: Yes, there is. Just go _______ Bridge Street and turn _______ when you see the library. Go along Long Street and it’s on the _______. It’s _______ the supermarket and across from the _______.  A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the _______? B: Yes. _______ along New Street. _______ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left,  _______ _______ the pay phone.  A: Thank you very much.   B: You’re welcome.  Imagine you and your partner  are the two people in the picture in 1b. Ask and answer questions about the places.  Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is. Go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the park. Go along Long Street and it’s on the right. It’s between the hotel and the post office. Thank you very much! Language points 1. Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left …  在第一个十字路口向右转,餐馆在你左边…… crossing(名词):十字路口 在第几个十字路口向右/左转: Turn right/left at the+ 序数词 +crossing.  = Take the+ 序数词 +crossing on the right/left. Exercise  1. —Where is the Wenxin Grocery? —_______ right ________ the second crossing. A. Take;in           B. Turn;at C. Take;on          D. Turn;to 2. He is sitting _____ my left. A. on       B. at      C. in    D.of ... ... ... 关键词:《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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