《How much are these socks?》PPT课件15

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53660
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:373 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《How much are these socks?》PPT课件15-预览图01
《How much are these socks?》PPT课件15-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级上册《How much are these socks?》PPT课件15
《How much are these socks?》PPT课件15 1.基数词 基数词的写法: (1)1~12,拼写和读音没有什么相似之处,无规律可言,应逐一进行记忆。 (2)13~19,表示“十几”,在个位数后加后缀­teen,并且重音在后。注意(13)thirteen,(15)fifteen分别由three和five转化而来;(18)eighteen是eight中加­een而来。 (3)twenty~ninety整十以­ty结尾。 (4)几十几要用连字符。 eg:24 twenty­four (5)三位数的词需注意百位和十位之间加and。eg: 148 one hundred and forty­eight 2.基数词的巧记方法: 英语数词不难记, 找出规律就容易。 零至十二样各异, 一个一个单独记, 后加teen变十几, thirteen,fifteen看仔细。 eight原本就有t,eighteen只缺een。 二十至九十后加ty,twenty不同重点记,forty去掉字母u,thirty,fifty更出奇,十位数后个位数,表示数值几十几,按序排列不费力,连字符号莫丢弃,巧学巧记加努力,hundred是你好成绩。  ... ... ... 一、写出下列数词的左邻右舍。 1.___ eleven ________ 2.________ twenty__________ 3.__________ fifteen________ 4.____________ thirty __________ 5.___________  thirty­nine_____ 二、用适当的基数词完成下面的等式。 6.six+__________=twenty­nine 7.thirty­one-fourteen=________ 8.________+thirteen=twenty­five 9.three×six=_________ 10.thirty÷two=________ 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 11.How much ____(be) the T­shirts? 12.She needs 120 _______(dollar) for a new bike. 13.Do you like _________(sweater)? 14.Are those ______(sock) under the chair yours? 15.He ____(have) a long shirt. ... ... ... 五、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 21.那些蓝袜子多少钱? _____ ______ are those blue socks? 22.短袜三美元一双。 ______ are three ______ for one pair. 23.我想要一条蓝裤子。 I want a pair of _____ ________. 24.这些红鞋30美元一双。 These ____ _____ are $30 each. 25.我要买这条黑色的短裤。 I'll ____ ____ ______ ________. ... ... ... 六、阅读理解。 Mr.Green and his daughter Mary are in a big shop(商店).Mr.Green likes Mary and wants to buy a new dress(连衣裙) for her.Mary doesn't like the new dress.She likes something to eat(吃的东西).So her father buys 1 kilo of apples for her,too.Mary also wants to buy some picture books and colored pencils.There are many things and many people in the shop.They are men and women,old(年老的) and young(年轻的).They all want to buy something there.The people in the shop are very friendly(友好的). 26.Mary and ____ are in the shop. A.Mrs.Green  B.his father C.her father  D.her mother 27.Mary's father wants to buy ____ for her. A.a new dress  B.new shoes C.pictures  D.colored pencils 28.Mary likes to buy ____. A.a new dress B.colored books C.something to drink D.apples,picture books and colored pencils ... ... ... 关键词:《How much are these socks?》教学课件,人教新目标版七年级上册英语PPT课件下载,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《How much are these socks?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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