《What does he do?》PPT课件11

  • 2024-07-04
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53178
    • 版本:人教PEP版
    • 册别:六年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:1588 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What does he do?》PPT课件11-预览图01
《What does he do?》PPT课件11-预览图02


人教PEP版英语六年级上册《What does he do?》PPT课件11
《What does he do?》PPT课件11 Let’s chant His father is an actor. My dad’s a cleaner at the zoo. Her father is a doctor. What does your father do? His father goes to work by car. My dad goes to work by bus. Her father goes by bicycle. They work hard every day for us!  ... ... ... He likes helping people . He often helps the people to find their way .He works in the police office or in the street .  She likes working with numbers . She often counts the money . She often helps the bank ,company or factory use their money well .What does she do ? He works in the company or factory . He designscars , buildings or TV . What does he do ? Listen again write and say Bob is an ________. He works in a small company. Jenny is an _________. She likes working with numbers.  Ben is a __________.  Andrew is a __________. He sells computers. Ann is a _______. She gets up early every day but she likes her job.  ... ... ... Read and guess 1.She sells things. ________ 2.He helps sick people. ________ 3.He teaches lessons. ________ 4.She cleans streets. ________ 5.She draws pictures. ________ ... ... ... Moral Education: 社会需要不同的分工, 每一位在岗位上付出辛勤劳动的人都是值得我们尊重的. Homework 1.Talk about your favourite job with your  partner.  Why do you like it? 2. Write down your famliy members ’jobs.  关键词:《What does he do?》教学课件,人教PEP版六年级上册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What does he do?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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