《What does he do?》PPT课件17

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53172
    • 版本:人教PEP版
    • 册别:六年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:1156 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What does he do?》PPT课件17-预览图01
《What does he do?》PPT课件17-预览图02


人教PEP版英语六年级上册《What does he do?》PPT课件17
《What does he do?》PPT课件17 你能用这3种句型简单地介绍一下你的家庭成员的职业、工作地点以及上班的方式吗? (1)询问他人职业的句型  What does your mother do? (2)询问他人工作地点的句型  Where does she work?  (3)询问他人上班方式的句型  How does she go to work? (1)询问他人职业的句型 句型结构:疑问词 + 助动词 + 主语(人/ 物) + 动词原形( do ) ? What  do/ does + 主语 + do ? 答语:主 语  +  be (am / is / are ) + a / an + 职业名称 She  is  a  nurse .   例句: (2)询问他人工作地点的句型: 句型结构:疑问词 + 助动词 + 主语(人/ 物)+ 动词原形( work )?  Where + do\does + 主语 + work? 答语:主 语 + work / works + (地点)介词短语 主语 + work\works +(地点)介词短语. 例句: ... ... ... 【达标检测,大显身手】 一、情景选择 1、你想知道对方的妈妈是做什么工作的,你可以这样问:(         ) A.What does your mother ? B. What does your mother do ? C.Who’s  your mother ? 2、你告诉别人你哥哥是个飞行员,你可以这样表达:(         )  A.My brother is a postman.  B. My brother is a plane.   C. My brother is a pilot..  二、连词成句: (1)  do,does,she,what  ( ?) __________________________? (2) is,uncle,a,my,businessman.    _____________________________.  (3) does, where, work, he ( ?) ______________________________? (4) Lucy, does, go, work, how, to ( ?) _____________________________? ... ... ... Let's chant His father is an actor. My dad’s a cleaner at the zoo. Her father is a doctor. What does your father do ? His father goes to work by car. My dad goes to work by bus. Her father goes by bicycle. They work hard every day for us! ... ... ... 一、词汇盘点我能行: 工厂      工人       邮递员     商人 渔民      科学家    飞行员     教练    国家    如果 大海      大学       体育馆  记者      使用       打 字  迅速地   秘书 二、短语归纳我来做:  go to work          study hard      stay healthy police officer      go home          lots of               be good at         head teacher 三、我能按要求写词语  teach(名词)   fish(名词)   drive(名词)        clean(名词)        write(名词)  sing(名词)    dancer(动词)     worker(动词)       do(三单)         work(三单)     see(三单)    go(三单)   stay(三单)        study (三单)     like(三单)     go(三单)    want(三单)      has(原形)       ... ... ... Unit5重点句型结构归纳: 1、问某人的工作或职业是什么? What + do\does+某人+do? 答句是:某人+am\is\are+(a\an)+职业名词的单数或复数 2、问某人在哪里工作或上班? Where+do\does+某人+work? 答句是:某人+work\works+表地点的词。 3、问某人怎样去上班? How+do\does+某人+go to work? 答句是:某人+go\goes to work +交通方式的词。 ... ... ... Yao Ming is from Shanghai. He is a basketball player. He works in NBA. He goes to work by plane. His birthday is on Sept.12th. He likes blue best. He usually visits his friends on the weekends. He likes playing basketball very much. He often plays with his friends. He can speak English well. Can you?  Where is Yao Ming from? What’s Yao Ming’s favourite color? How does he go to work? What’s his hobby? When is his birthday ? ... ... ... Answer the questions: Where is Yao Ming from? He is from Shanghai. What’s Yao Ming’s favourite color? He likes blue best. How does he go to work? He goes to work by plane.  What’s his hobby? He likes playing basketball. When is his birthday? His birthday is on Sept.12th. ... ... ... Homework 写一篇短文,介绍你的家人或朋友。 XX  is a/ an …  She lives in… She works/ studies….  She goes to work/ school …, because… Her birthday is on …  Her favourite color is...  She usually … on the weekends.  She likes … very much.  关键词:《What does he do?》教学课件,人教PEP版六年级上册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What does he do?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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