《My weekend plan》PPT课件3

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53056
    • 版本:人教PEP版
    • 册别:六年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:173 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《My weekend plan》PPT课件3-预览图01
《My weekend plan》PPT课件3-预览图02


人教PEP版英语六年级上册《My weekend plan》PPT课件3
《My weekend plan》PPT课件3 Let’s review visit  my  grandparents  看望外祖父母 see a  film  看电影 go to the supermarket  去超市 take a trip  旅行 this morning  今天早上 this afternoon  今天下午 this evening  今天傍晚 tonight  在今晚 tomorrow  明天 next week  下周 ... ... ... 句型: 1.询问对方打算做什么及回答: ——What are you going to do ? 你打算干什么? I’m going to visit(动词原形) my grandparents this weekend? 2.询问对方打算去哪里及回答 Where are we going? 我们将去哪里? I am going to the bookstore . 去书店。 3. 询问对方打算什么时候去及回答 When are you going? I am going +时间短语 ... ... ... 1.一般将来时 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 结构: will  be going to  +动词原形 标志语: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon, this evening, next week (month,  year… ), in the year 2022  be going to+动词原形  will +动词原形  写出同义句: 1. I am going to eat. → I  __ __. 2. He is going to eat. →  He __ __. 3. She is going to play piano.  → She__ __piano. 4. The cat is going to jump. → The cat ____. 5. We are going to fly kites tomorrow.  →We__ __ __tomorrow.  ... ... ... Choose the right answer(选词填空) 1、______  are they going to do in the park? They’re going to have a picnic. 2、_______  are you going next week? I’m going to Guangzhou. 3、______ is Mickey going to the bookstore? He’s going at 9:00 on Sunday morning. IV. Listen and judge. (听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确写“√”,否则写“×”。) (  ) 1. I’m going to the Great Wall on the National Day. (  ) 2. I’m going there with my grandparents. (  ) 3. Grandpa has a farm. (  ) 4. There aren’t any horses on it. (  ) 5. I’m going to the farm by plane. ... ... ... 一、连词成句 1、are, What, going, you , to, do (?) What are you going to do? 2、draw ,going,  We,  to, are, pictures, some (.) We are going to draw some pictures . 3、see, I, going, to, am, film, a (.) I am going to see a film. 4、a , good, Have , time(.) Have a good time. 5、are, to, They, going, supermarket, the (.) They are going to the supermarket. III. Read and choose (读句子,选出正确的答语。)  (     )1. What are you going to do?   A. By train. (     )2. When are you going? B. Take a trip. (     )3. Where are you going? C. Yes, I am. (     )4. How do you go to the zoo?   D. At 3 o’clock. (     )5. Are you going to use any books?   E. I’m going to Beijing.  ... ... ... VII. Writing.(写作)  周末你打算做什么,你有什么计划吗?用“be going to”结构来写一写你的计划。要求:1、条理清晰,用词得当,书写工整,规范。2、不少于5句。 My weekend plan  My name is … It’s Sunday tomorrow.I’m going to the bookstore. I’m going to buy some word books. I like reading Books. In the afternoon, I’m going to do my homework. Then I’m going to visit my grandparents.  关键词:《My weekend plan》教学课件,人教PEP版六年级上册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《My weekend plan》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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