《Ways to go to school》PPT课件16

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:52993
    • 版本:人教PEP版
    • 册别:六年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:4620 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Ways to go to school》PPT课件16-预览图01
《Ways to go to school》PPT课件16-预览图02
《Ways to go to school》PPT课件16-预览图03


人教PEP版英语六年级上册《Ways to go to school》PPT课件16
《Ways to go to school》PPT课件16 Concentration ! nature park(自然公园)school , post office , cinema, hospital,  bookstore… we (我们),he,she, I, they (他们), us (我们), me (我) them (他们) foot , arm, hand, head , eye,  … on , in , under, behind, over,  in front of, next to, near , … England(英国),London(伦敦)USA(美国)China, Japan(日本)Hongkong(香港)… ... ... ... Blue cat,how do you get to school? A. I get there on foot. B. I get there by foot. on foot = walk  A:Blue cat,how do you/we get to school? B:I/We get there …. I/We take a …there/to school. ... ... ... Can you judge?(你能判断吗?) 1 They are going to the nature park.(   ) 2 They will go by bus. (   ) 3 There are four people in this dialogue.(   ) Do exercises 1. I get to Beijing ________. 2. I get to the Canada ______. 3. I get to the bookstore______. 4. I get to  HongKong______. 5. I get home______.  ... ... ... 计划一个自己想去的地方,根据自己喜好选择格式A或者B来写一写。 A:First(首先),I go to _____ from  Wuniu town_______. Then(然后),I go to _____ by______. And then (再然后)I get to _____ by  _____. At last (最后),I get  to ______ by______. B:First ,_______________. Then,_______________ . ___________________. At last,______________.   交通方式的词组: on foot ,by bus,by subway,  by taxi, by ship, by car,by,plane, by train …. Homework: 1.听读P15,3次,拼背单词1次,并签名 2.P15词组抄3次默1次。 3.完成自己的计划,明天上交。 温馨提示,默一次格式如下: 1步行:2骑自行车 :    3 乘飞机:    4 乘出租车: 5 乘船: 6坐火车:  7 坐地铁;  关键词:《Ways to go to school》教学课件,人教PEP版六年级上册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Ways to go to school》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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