《What would you like?》PPT课件5

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:52510
    • 版本:人教PEP版
    • 册别:五年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:659 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What would you like?》PPT课件5-预览图01
《What would you like?》PPT课件5-预览图02


人教PEP版英语五年级上册《What would you like?》PPT课件5
《What would you like?》PPT课件5 课堂效果预测与反思 本堂课是一堂复习课,通过以前的学习,使学生能够掌握单词基本的发音和句型的简单应用。 在课堂上,老师与同学共同复习单词,句型,通过课件上的示范朗读校正学生的发音。 课件中还提供了大量的,多形式的练习,讲练结合,促进学生的综合学习。既提高了学生的能力,又增加了学生学习英语的乐趣,使课堂变得活跃。 ... ... ... 介   绍 Teaching aim: 1 Knowledge aim :review the words: bread  egg milk water 2 Ability aim: (1)Make sentence with those four words. (2)Develop students’imagination 3 Emotion aim: (1)Be confident during studying English (2)Learn to cooperate with others and communicate with their partners (3)Get fun from English sthdying. ... ... ... Step1 Warming up Duty-report T:Hi boys and girls. Glad to see you again. S:  Glad to see you Miss ----- T:  Are you all here? S: Yes ,we are all here. T: Are you all happy? S: We are. T:Ok,today we will review Unit 3. Step2 Presentation Yesterday we learn four new words they  are:bread 、egg、water、milk 之前我们还学过下面的单词,请同学仔细回忆它们的发音与意思: rice   fish   beef  soup   noodles   vegetable  大米  鱼     牛肉  汤        面条           蔬菜 ... ... ... Let's chant Pass me the fork. Pass me the knife. Pass me rice and noodles, too. Pass me the plate. Pass me the spoon. Pass me fish and vegetables, too. ... ... ... Let's find out Choose the best answer. (     ) 1、What would you like for dinner? (     ) 2、 Everything’s ready. (     ) 3、 Can I have some noodles, please? A、Thank you. B、Sure. Here you are. C、I’d like some vegetables. ... ... ... 板书设计 一 words      二sentence                   bread  面包    What would you like? egg   鸡蛋      I like …… milk   牛奶     Do you like……?  water 水        Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 三 practice:Make sentence  with them. ... ... ... Homework 1.听录音,熟记本课时的单词. 2.试用句型What would you like for dinner? I’d like some…  询问家人或朋友,制作一份他们所喜爱的晚饭菜单. 关键词:《What would you like?》教学课件,人教版五年级上册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What would you like?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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