《These are my parents》PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:51670
    • 版本:人教PEP版
    • 册别:三年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1204 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《These are my parents》PPT课件-预览图01
《These are my parents》PPT课件-预览图02


人教PEP版英语三年级下册《These are my parents》PPT课件
《These are my parents》PPT课件 我是小小翻译家 1.  on the left   2. on the right 3.  next to        4. in front of 5.我妈妈的父母在左边,而我爸爸的父母在右边。 6.紧挨着她的女子是我的姑姑。 7.保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁? 5. My mum's parents are on the left, and my dad's  parents are on the right. 6.The woman next to her is my aunt. 7.Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul? ... ... ... 询问他人的职业 -- What‘s your job?你做什么工作? 或 What do you do? -- I‘m a / an … 我是一名… -- What‘s his/ her job?他/她做什么工作? 或 What does he / she do? What is he / she? --He‘s/ She’s a / an …  他/她是一名… ... ... ... 小试身手 一、英汉互译 1.一名教师_________;7. at a police station_________ ; 2.一名男演员_________; 8. at a school_________; 3.两名男警察_________; 9. in a theatre _________ ; 4.两名护士_________;   10.at a bus station _________ ; 5.一位经理_________;   11.in a hospital_________; 6.一名公车司机_________;12. in a hotel_________; 二、连连看(将上题的职业和对应的工作场所连线) 三、单项选择 1. My mother is______English teacher. A. a     B.   an      C.  / 2. ______father is______actor. A. Betty, an   B. Betty’s, a   C. Betty’s, an 3. His two sisters are______and my two brothers are______ .  A. nurses, policeman     B. nurses, policemen    C. nurse, policemen ... ... ... Homework 1.熟记所学单词和句型,并能正确运用。 2.预习11页课文。 关键词:《These are my parents》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《These are my parents》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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